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Advantages of SSD compared to conventional HDD

HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and SSD (Solid State Drive) are the most popular storage devices. HDD is a traditional storage technology and SSD is new storage technology. SSD stores data locally. HDD is replaced with SSD’s. HDDs are memory storage units. It is made up of magnetic parts which are moving. But SSD’s memory storage units are made up of flash memory for the storage information. Flash memory has proven that they are faster in both reading and writing data. HDD contains mechanical components like a platter, read/write head, etc. It uses a rotating disk for all. The speed depends upon the rotations per minute. The range is 4200 rpm to 7200 rpm. The higher the rpm will increase the speed of the device. For an IT professional buying laptop online in Dubai is the better choice. But SSD stores data on flash memory chips. It is in the form of electrical charges. So it is energy-efficient and has less wear and tear. So SSD is faster than HDD. So select a suitable laptop store in Dubai.

The comparison between SSD and HDD is given below:

Access time:

SSD - SSD has an access time of 35 to 100 microseconds, which is very fast.
HDD - HDD takes 5,000 to 10,000 seconds to access the same data.


SSD - SSD’s are available almost in the same size as HDD
HDD - HDDs are available from 100’s of GB to 5 TB storage.


SSD- Moving parts are not used and they use flash memories. It is more reliable.
HDD - HDDs use magnetic platters and other moving parts. It causes wear and tear.


SSD - SSD uses low power and longer battery life.
HDD - The HDD uses more power than SSD.


SSD - SSDs are silent because of no moving parts.
HDD - HDDs are noisy because of the noises from moving parts.


SSD - SSDs are available in 2.5”, 1.8”, and 1.0”
HDD - HDDs are in 3.5" and 2.5" sizes.


SSD - There is no heat dissipation due to no moving parts. So the lifespan is increasing.
HDD - Heat dissipation is very high due to the presence of moving parts. So fastly damages the device.


SSD - The only disadvantage as compared to HDD is the price. SSD is expensive than HDDs.
HDD - HDD is very low cost.

Speed and Performance:

HDD is a disk coated with magnetic material. When the disk rotates then, the magnetic head reads/writes data. HDD contains a disk coated with magnetic material then disk spins, the
magnetic head helps read and write the data. But the SSD is not using rotating disks. But it saves data in memory chips.

Storage and capacity:

HDD storage range of 40GB to 12 TB in HDD devices. But in SSD, higher storage spaces are available.

Durability and reliability:

SSD has a lower number of write cycles than HDD. So in HDD, they can be worn. But in SSD, write cycles are optimized and last for more time. HDD does not have any limit for write cycles.
But the spinning platter causes fragmentation and damage. Also, HDD takes a lot of power. So for a server and desktop, a bigger current bill will come. But the SSD doesn’t contain movable
parts so it runs with low risk and does not have any physical damage.

The benefit that upgrading your computer to an SSD is

● Durability of SSD
● Reliability of an SSD
● SSDs are faster than HDD
● SSD is energy-efficient.
● Less weight and no noise
So depending on the main benefits, the better choice is to buy a laptop online in UAE. The SSD has so many advantages. The only disadvantage of using an SSD is that it is very expensive as
compared to HDD. And you will get less storage than HDD. Your priority is speed/performance/durability, then SSD is the best option.

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